


  • 片名:齿轮第一季免费在线观看
  • 状态:完结
  • 主演:Grégory Fitoussi/Caroline Proust/
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2005
  • 地区:法国
  • 类型:美国/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:法语
  • 更新:2022年
  • 简介:The celebrated French police series returns for a third season, darker and sharper than ever, in Spiral: The Butcher of La Villette. When the mutilated body of a young woman is found on a disused railway track in the North of Paris, Police Captain Laure Berthaud seizes the opportunity to restore a tarnished reputation and leads her squad on the hunt for what she believes to be a deranged serial killer. Delving into the mysterious recesses of a disturbed mind while investigating the harsh world of a prostitution ring, with her personal life in tatters and a potential rift emerging from within her own ranks, Berthaud's world is on the verge of disintegration. Meanwhile, Judge François Roban doesn't know how to win friends and influence people when he investigates a bribery scandal involving a prominent political figure. The impeccable career of Public Prosecutor Pierre Clément's falls into disrepute when his insistence on integrity makes him a pariah in the corridors of justice and ambitious barrister Joséphine Karlsson attempts to untangle herself from some dubious associations - with dangerous consequences. As reality spirals out of control for each character, the pace quickens, the narratives overlap and the boundaries between private and professional lives become increasingly blurred in this superbly taut thriller.
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The celebrated French police series returns for a third season, darker and sharper than ever, in Spiral: The Butcher of La Villette. When the mutilated body of a young woman is found on a disused railway track in the North of Paris, Police Captain Laure Berthaud seizes the opportunity to restore a tarnished reputation and leads her squad on the hunt for what she believes to be a deranged serial killer. Delving into the mysterious recesses of a disturbed mind while investigating the harsh world of a prostitution ring, with her personal life in tatters and a potential rift emerging from within her own ranks, Berthaud's world is on the verge of disintegration. Meanwhile, Judge François Roban doesn't know how to win friends and influence people when he investigates a bribery scandal involving a prominent political figure. The impeccable career of Public Prosecutor Pierre Clément's falls into disrepute when his insistence on integrity makes him a pariah in the corridors of justice and ambitious barrister Joséphine Karlsson attempts to untangle herself from some dubious associations - with dangerous consequences. As reality spirals out of control for each character, the pace quickens, the narratives overlap and the boundaries between private and professional lives become increasingly blurred in this superbly taut thriller.


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    艾米丽·凯里///莎拉·帕里什// Emmanuel Imani / Liam Woodrum/
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    艾米丽·凯里/莎拉·帕里什/Emmanuel Imani/Liam Woodrum/Zac Looker/蒂姆·唐尼/杰迈玛·卢珀/黛西·杰利/Rochelle Harrington/
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    珍·斯马特/汉娜·爱宾德/保罗·当斯/梅根·斯塔尔特/卡尔·克莱蒙斯-霍普金斯/凯特琳·奥尔森/克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳/马克·印第里凯托/罗斯·阿卜杜/洛伦扎·伊佐/海伦·亨特/克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯/克里斯托弗·洛伊德/丹·布卡廷斯基/乔治·华莱士/托尼·戈德温/亚里士多德·阿塔里/迈克尔·加尔扎/Elyssa Phillips/Beth Curry/George Todd McLachlan/RiRia/Bottara Angele/Lucas Lockwood/Tommy Do/Anna Benuzz/
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    克里斯蒂安·史莱特/杰克·迪伦·格雷泽/里昂·丹尼尔斯/诺亚·科特雷尔/乔伊·布赖恩特/迈查拉·李/玉田百名/阿利维亚·阿林·林德/亨特·狄龙/帕蒂·古根海姆/迪兰·布鲁斯/蒂根·文泽/阿尔伯特·琼斯/梅拉尼·巴罗斯/杰夫·桑卡/阿迪纳·英斯利/Favour Onwuka/Sophia Noella/杰德·瑞斯/阿琳·邓肯/
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    安德烈·霍兰/马克·门查卡/格林·特鲁曼/亚历桑德罗·尼沃拉/P·J·伯恩/奥利·哈斯基维/Hudson Robert Wurster/James Cade/丽贝卡·多尔顿/克里斯·布罗楚/Brendan Morgan/Manuel Rodriguez-Saenz/Danijel Mandic/萨莫拉·斯莫尔伍德/萨曼莎·赫尔特/泰勒·杰克逊/乔埃尔·法罗/迈克尔·马西尼/Juan Camilo Castillo/Nikolás Rincón/Shaun Hepburn/
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